Contoh Naskah | Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Hari Kartin
Sample Speech Commemorating the Day of Kartini
Dear Mr and Mrs ...
Dear Mr. Chairman of the RW ...
Mr Chairman of the RT ...
Adolescents and youth peer territory ...
Ladies and noble presence,
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Prosperous and happy congratulations also goes to our audience and the presence of a religion other than Islam.
On this happy morning, let us reflect and pray together for a moment,
hopefully we are up this morning still blessed with happiness by God
the Almighty, given the power to give thanks always, the grace and
guidance of Almighty God. Gratitude, let us prove to keep running and
stay away from the obligation imposed by Allah the Lord is the Most
Furthermore, on this blessed morning, we should also grateful for the
opportunity given by God the Almighty God's love, who by his grace we
can also jointly held a ceremony commemorating the "Day of Kartini."
Kartini's name, is not foreign. Even in this present life had etched an
attitude, especially the attitude of the mother, the attitude of the
adolescent, who reflects the ideals of the noble mother of Kartini.
As a woman who certainly could not leave his nature as a woman, it now
increasingly appears that the fellow seated himself as a warrior
nation, has been able to put ourselves Indonesian woman as a fighter
who did not want to say number two on the men.
That being assertive women that directly reflect the ideals of
Kartini's nobility. That attitude also shows how the Indonesian human
rights is addressed. Especially a woman's right to participate in
putting yourself to build your nation of Indonesia.
It is not exaggerating if women today are able to talk parallel to the
menfolk. Even in our village has a lot of women who rank even higher
than some of the brothers. This shows that our nation, especially the
women really have realized how important the role and ability of women
in upholding the life of the nation, state and society.
We always commemorate Kartini Day every year. But should not at times
when we display this warning just reserved for the work and women. But
more than that, hopefully every day, every period of the Indonesian
women still struggling and still aspire, as a nation that perfumed name.
May God always bless us, especially the women of Indonesia in
establishing national and state life. May the glorious women grow, grow
strong in keeping the big names of the nation, state, society, and do
not forget, may remain victorious in keeping the family name. Amen!
Suffice it used to welcome us all, billahitaufiq walhidayah,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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